was established more than 10 years ago and initially specializes in cold transport in the US and successfully runs its own fleet in one of the most competitive markets in the world.
This helped us to build a solid and rich experience to expand and work on Bulgarian territory. Our carriers carry goods on established routes and they are adequately prepared to meet specific needs and requirements.
We guarantee to provide the most cost-effective quotes and solutions to meet the needs of your business. Our trust is based on our competence - what we promise is integrity, accuracy and professionalism.
Phoenix Trans and Sped Ltd. guarantee you correctness, security and fast transport of your cargo
We take responsibility for the load from your request until it is delivered to the final destination.
We are among the top 10 best-rated companies in the TRANS.EU platform in Bulgaria for 2017
REGULAR EXPRESS TRANSPORT WITH UP TO 48 HOURS FOR DELIVERY OF LOADS UP TO 1.5 TONS GROSS WEIGHT. Click on the "Info" button to see the list of countries.
Fast transport of full loads up to 24 tons
Fast shipment of groupage items
Fixed loading and delivery dates for your cargo
Implementation in short term
Competitive prices
Transport according to your requirements
Appropriate equipment for seamless and safe transportation
International and domestic transportation of dangerous goods (ADR)
Drivers with long experience, possessing all necessary qualifications and permits according to the international requirements
24-hour connection with drivers and location of the cargo
Insurance (Carrier's liability) under the CMR Convention
We offer distribution to any point on the territory of Bulgaria
Provide temporary storage of inbound and outbound consignments to facilitate the handling of your cargoes
A complex solution to any transport problem
Transport information and advice
We look forward to your inquiries:
Фирма Феникс Транс енд Спед ЕООД изпълнява проект «Преодоляване недостига на средства и липсата на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19», по процедура Подкрепа на микро и малки предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19, с финансовата подкрепа от ЕС, Европейския фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна програма “Иновации и конкурентоспособност” 2014-2020.
Основната цел на проекта е да се осигури оперативен капитал за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19 и да се постигне положителен ефект за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19 и стабилност на работните места.
Обща стойност на проекта – 10 000,00 лв., от които 8500 лв. европейско и 1500 лв. национално съфинансиране.
Проектът стартира на 30.09.2020 с период на реализация 3 месеца.
Адрес за кореспонденция: Феникс Транс Енд Спед ЕООД
VAT: BG203715474